We have been down that road too. Over the past 25 years, we wanted our people to do all sorts of things – filling in timesheets, proactive contributions to our social media presence, adherence to all kinds of rules, you name it. We have also tried running creative in-house campaigns, instructing our staff, but also encouraging them with positive motivation.
People – their profiles, motivations and requirements – are naturally subject to change as well. It is admittedly next to impossible to predict what changes you will want to implement in 10 years’ time. However, regardless of whether they will concern business development, training or waste separation, you can rest assured that they will primarily involve a collective change of behaviour.
Overall, it was positive motivation that worked best for them, though. For this reason, we decided to develop a way of using positive motivation to support our values, as well as any change of behaviour in our company – a future-proof concept that would work for years to come. Our Seesame App is just the thing – and, more importantly, you can take advantage of it as well!